Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Since Friday...

On Friday evening there was a ladies' meeting, so several of us guys headed over to Gary and Gina Stonehouse's place for a burger burn.

Here Gary prepares to fire up the grill...(just look at that grin...er...grimace?)

Zee chef at work (no burgers yet...)

Russ, Pastor, Brandon and Ray in the kitchen.

Ray gives a cheesy grin while Brandon watches

Saturday found me once again at the Wellsville soccer field, watching another one of Joey's games.

Here V picks up two additional soccer fans...Luke and Levi...the Stonehouse Bros.

Joey keeps an eye on the ball as he moves down the field


Joey gettin' er done with the soccer ball

Portrait in motion

Well, watching the game wasn't the only thing I had done Saturday morning. Soon after arriving at the field, I went to throw the frisbee and it landed on the roof of one of the covered pavillions at the soccer field. Well, I am rather fond of that frisbee, so after engaging some help to pile a couple of things together to climb on, I got up on the roof of the pavillion.

Getting the frisbee was no problem, but getting down was another story. Since the edge of the roof was only 7ft or so in the air, I decided to jump. Well, the following pictures show the aftermath. When I hit the ground, my left knee popped. It felt just like the first time it happened in a soccer game back in Ketchikan. Here's the result...

After the game I had to go to work, so I spent all day hobbling around on it. To make things even more interesting, I had a piece of exercise equipment delivered to my apartment, so I had to take my lunch break and help them get it in my place.

This is what I picked up. It's called a Weider Platinum and uses a composite bow for resistance (well, that and some pulleys) so I'll be able to do upper body workouts safely. The particular unit I got is a couple of years old, but was available for a fraction of the cost.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Amazing Lady on Bike

This is about five minutes long, but the things this lady can do on a bike are simply amazing!

Human Bagpipes

This is absolutely hilarious! Watch it a couple of times!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Falicia's Tuesday Game

On Tuesday, Falicia had a game in Hyrum. I stopped by Schallenberger's and rode with the family (minus Scott who is in China right now), over to the game. Due to a little overcast and a normal-sized playing field, I wasn't able to take pictures like the ones from last Saturday (sorry Falice...). These were a few of the better ones. BTW...Falicia made three goals in this game.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

This Time They're Mine...

Every once in a blue moon, I peruse the local listings on Craigslist to see if anyone is selling something that I may need for the apartment. Of particular interest has been a washing machine. On Sunday night (must've been a blue moon) I took another look. There was a 2 month old washer for sale by some folks that were moving into a furnished apartment. They wanted $225 for it or best offer. I dropped them an e-mail, and offered them $200 even. To make a long story short, there was another offer on it that was good until noon yesterday. That apparently fell through, because I got a call from Angie saying the washer was mine if I wanted it. After work I stopped by the bank, grabbed the cash, and ran home. A few minutes late they pulled up with my "new" washer.

Tonight, the Schallenbergers gave me a dryer and we dropped it off here at the apartment. After they left, I hooked everything up, did a leak check on the hoses, and threw in my first load. As I type this the dryer has just finished up on drying that load and I think I'll call it a night. Tomorrow is another day and may even hold a dark clothes load, who knows.

Monday, April 21, 2008

My First Day as a Soccer Mom

Saturday morning found me at the Schallenberger's house. It was soccer game day. Falicia, Juan, Maria and Joey all had games...Falicia's game being at the same time as Juan's. Through great logistics and planning, we got all the right people to all the right games. I wasn't able to make it to Falicia's game, but got photos of the other three.

Juan and Joey walk out together...

Maria warms up with a few kicks

Joey and his teammates go for the ball

It looks like the other team might have scored

Joey awaits his turn back in the game

Maria decides to throw in a little volleyball as well

Several of the Schallenbergers watch the happenings at the far goal

Joey kicks it into high gear

Juan goes for the ball

Gettin' er dun!

Maria also steps it up...

...and heads for the action!

Maria and her teammate analyze the play in progress

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Catching up...again

Well, once again much going on, but not a lot of blogworthy happenings. We finished up our week of special meetings at church this last week. Brother Gilmore did the services on Sunday as well, but I missed the morning sessions, because...

...it was my Reserve weekend. That went quite well, though it ended with a Commander's Call which entails spending an hour to an hour and a half in the base theater listening to information that I am not particularly interested in and fighting to stay awake. Oh the tax dollars at work.

Speaking of taxes, it looks like I'll be getting a bit of a return this year, which is nice. I had forgotten that the Air Force doesn't mail out hard copy W-2's unless you request them, so I ended up waiting until the last minute to get mine. One advantage to my current situation, taxes are extremely easy. Enter in a couple of W-2's and that's about it.

Yesterday was a great day. I helped the Schallenbergers pick out a computer for Kaitie, and I ended up driving down to another store to pick it up, as we were out of them. To make a long story short, they didn't think it would be in for a day or two, but I was able to surprise them with it, so Kaitie was quite happy. That was a lot of fun!

Well, that's about it on this end. Oh, I have started up a new e-mail address. A new one? Yes, a new one. The main reason is that most folks have no idea what nc16910 is, and even if they did, trying to remember the correct order of the numbers can be a pain. I thought I'd go back to my e-mail roots and use Hotmail again. While I am still using my nc16910 account with Yahoo, my new main account is dereklinder at Hotmail.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Who Really Needs Revival?

This week we are having a set of meetings every night, and we call them revival meetings. Before I attended Grace, I didn't really understand what was meant by this term. Did these people think they could schedule an outpouring of God's Spirit? Wasn't that a bit presumptuous?

Well, now that I have been through several revival weeks during the last four years that I have been here in Logan, I understand what is meant. It is simply a special set of services, set aside for the purpose of making ourselves available to God in a corporate way, meeting together as the local church, and petitioning the Lord to do His wonderful work in our lives.

Most assuredly, no one can schedule revival. Revival and an outpouring of God's Spirit are based entirely on His grace and sovereignty. There is nothing we can do to merit it or earn it. It is solely, utterly and entirely God.

Yet, there is an attitude, a spiritual position, that is found in God's people prior to most any revival that you can think of. That attitude seems to be twofold. It is first an understanding of the absolute holiness and goodness of God. Secondly, it is the understanding that we as God's people, (and yes I said as God's people), fall so far short of where God would truly like us to be.

Growing up, while I always affirmed in my head that revival was for God's people, my real desire in praying for revival was that it affect the community. In other words, that the effect that the Welsh revival had on the bars, the drunkeness, the immorality, the cursing and swearing...that all of that would take place in the town I lived in.

I do not want to diminish this point, for it is a wonderful fruit of the outpouring of God's Spirit...but let us never, ever, forget, that revival is primarily for those who call themselves Christians.

Why is this? Because we as Christians need reviving, plain and simple. We need to move beyond the pathetic state of apathy and laziness that so dominates so-called Christianity in America today. I don't speak this in condemnation, but rather in self-evaluation. As I have stated several times here on this blog, I mourn my little appetite for the things of God, and most especially, for God Himself.

We must come to the understanding, that being a Christian in our own strength is, as far as righteousness is concerned, absolutely useless. Let me ask you something, are you going to walk tomorrow as a saved person, living the Christian life by your best efforts? If so, you, as I, will fail miserably. No, we may not disgrace the name of Christ. No, we may not slip up and say something we shouldn't. No, we may actually be quite cheerful and happy, yet in the eyes of God it is useless.

Let me say this...the only way that we can be a successful Christian in our homes, the workplace and in our hearts is by complete and utter surrender to Christ in us. It is by God's power that we can live victoriously. It is by God's enabling that we will stand in the face of temptation, speak out when God opens that door, and will not succumb to the speech and lifestyle of the world around us.

Lamentations 3:23 says that God's mercies "...are new every morning" Why do we need new mercies? Why do we need them on a daily basis...every morning? Because there are certain things that God desires to accomplish in and through us each day, and only by His mercies will we be able to accomplish them.

Let us never forget that we are here with a purpose. David says that this is the day that the Lord hath made. It's not just another part of the week, it is a day that the Lord has fashioned and planned. If we are to be victorious and a spiritual success, we must rely on God's mercies and His strength to enable us to live that "abundant life" that Jesus came to give.

Revival, my friends, is the desperate need of God's people. The world WILL be changed when God's people are revived. No, I am not saying that I think there will be a worldwide revival that sweeps our globe. We know we are in the last days and that Jesus said wickedness would abound. Paul tells Timothy that there will be "terrible times" in the last days. Yet, I believe that God is still the same God He has ever been, that His desire for man is still that "whosoever would" would accept Christ's atoning work on Calvary and be saved. I believe that God will pour out water on Him that is thirsty. I believe that we can truly say "oh the happiness" of the one who hungers and thirsts after righteousness, for he shall be filled.

My friends, do we hunger after God? Do we understand, even as Christians, that unless God is allowed to have is way in our lives, we will be absolute failures as Christians? Christ is the One who brought salvation, let Him also be the One who carries that good work on to completion until His day, the day of Christ Jesus.

Oh that God would raise up a remnant of people in these last days that would hunger and thirst for nothing less than Christ Himself. Oh that God would raise up a people whose sole purpose, sole desire, and sole passion is Christ. Oh that God would do that work in these days. Oh that God would do that work in me!

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

It's Been A While...

Today I did something that I haven't done for a very long time...100 situps! I did them in two sets with a 20-30 sec pause in the up position. Not bad for an old codger eh?

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

God Still Speaks Today!

This morning I was listening to a message from Pastor John Piper of Bethlehem Baptist Church. As I have been exposed to some of Pastor John's teaching and preaching, I have been challenged to know God in a deeper and more personal way.

The message was entitled The Morning I Heard the Voice of God. The following quote is the one that really jumped out at me:

"What makes me sad about the article is not that it isn’t true or didn’t happen. What’s sad is that it really does give the impression that extra-biblical communication with God is surpassingly wonderful and faith-deepening. All the while, the supremely-glorious communication of the living God which personally and powerfully and transformingly explodes in the receptive heart through the Bible everyday is passed over in silence...

...The great need of our time is for people to experience the living reality of God by hearing his word personally and transformingly in Scripture. Something is incredibly wrong when the words we hear outside Scripture are more powerful and more affecting to us than the inspired word of God."

If you would like to listen to the whole message, click on the following link:

Sunday, April 06, 2008

These Shoes Were Made For Walking...er...Running

As a birthday/Christmas present, my sister and brother-in-law bought me these great running shoes. While I've started up my running again, I wanted to wait to get in a little better shape before breaking these shoes in.

Last night (Saturday) I decided to go on a long walk to start the breaking in process. They proved to be quite comfortable. After going to a local bookstore to inquire as to their exchange and credit policy (for my DVD's and book collection), I decided to continue with my walk.

I ended up near the Logan Temple, and after walking around it a couple of times and doing some praying, I headed back towards my apartment. As I walked, I glanced at the houses and buildings that I passed by. It was dark out, aside from the streetlights, and so many of the windows were illuminated by the flickering glow of TV screens.

My thoughts began to consider the time that is spent in front of the TV set. Oh the hours invested in mindless lethargy, sitting on the couch will time slips by! The TV in an average American home is on 8 hours and 14 minutes every day! I recently heard of a little girl that is frequently over at one of the family's houses in our church, because her dad comes home from work and just sits down in front of the TV, instead of spending time with his daughter.

I do not find this particularly shocking in a non-Christian environment, though it is extremely sad. Yet, what about in Christian homes? How many hours are spent in front of the TV? How much time is invested in mindless entertainment? This was the pressing thought on my heart. How much time do we fritter away in such activities?

Of course we could discuss the influences and examples that are constantly bombarding the Christian who watches TV. On that topic I will remain silent for now. But, regardless of content at this point, what do we do with our time?

I was recently over at some friend's place after church, and we sat around the table and had a bite to eat. Do you know what one of the major points of conversation was? It was centered around the latest movies. Have you seen this one...have you seen that one? I don't believe one mention of what God had spoken to us about during the services that day entered our conversation.

Let me repeat myself once more...why do we have such a little appetite for God? Where is our hunger and our passion for Him? It is those who hunger and thirst after righteousness that will be filled. God promised to pour water on him that is thirsty. Where is our spiritual appetite?

To borrow a line from MLK Jr., "I have a dream..." My dream is this...that one day we would sit around after church, or get together in a home, and we would talk about the Lord and what He is doing, what He has been speaking about, what He is teaching us. This would not be forced or trumped up, but rather the natural outflow of a people with a passion for Christ.

Why is it so natural to invite a friend over to watch a movie, and so completely foreign to invite a friend over to listen to a sermon or message that God has spoken to you with recently? Why is it more common to get together and talk about politics or the latest happenings than to do an impromptu Bible study?

This week we are having a set of meetings at church. Today were the "kickoff services" if you will. Brother Gilmore mentioned tonight the call to lay aside (or dispose of) every weight. These weights he described as "good things" (like hobbies, interests, amusements) that we allow to get in the way of God's "best". That was exactly what I was thinking in regards to TV.

Is God speaking to me personally about TV? I don't believe so, because I rarely watch any TV, but I believe He is speaking to me personally about the use of time. As many of you know, this last year saw the cessation of my passion for aviation. For some 25+ years I have been fascinated with anything that flew, especially aircraft. Last year, it was like the Lord flipped a switch, and almost overnight the passion was gone.

Does this mean that interest was bad? Not at all. Does that mean that I invested too much time doing that instead of being in church or reading God's word? I don't believe so. No, I believe for me personally, the message is that of a call to a single focus, a single passion, a single desire...and that is to know Christ.

I hope that this does not come across in a discouraging manner. It seems that God reveals something to a person as the first step, and then begins to lead and guide that person where He wants him to go.

I hope that this is an encouragement to each of you, who would perhaps take this little thought to heart and see if the Lord would speak anything in particular to you personally. Oh that we as believers would grow in our knowledge of Him, personally and corporately. Let us press on to know Him better! Let us make that our ambition! And let us see what the Lord will do in a people that are willing to be used by Him!

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Juan's 2nd Soccer Practice

On Wednesday, I had the opportunity to take Juan to his second soccer practice. He did a good job and seemed to enjoy the time. Scott showed up about halfway through the practice, so he and I talked until practice was over. Juan and I kicked the ball around for a while before heading back to the Schallenbergers.

Friday, April 04, 2008

If I Had To Choose...

It would be an impossible task to try to pick one particular sermon out of the hundreds that I have heard along the course of these last 30 years that was the most important or most influential. God uses different messages at different times to communicate and speak from the Bible and through the Holy Spirit to us in the particular situations and circumstances we are going through.

If, however, I was faced with this impossible task, I believe that I would ascribe that "one particular sermon" to a message that was preached by Paris Reidhead called Ten Shekels and a Shirt. This is one that I often think about and I suppose would hold the title of the most influential or most life-changing message apart from the Bible itself.

If you have the time, click on the link below and see what you think of this message:

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Becoming Edumacated...

Tonight as I was sitting at the computer, I began to once again consider the fact that I have been out of active duty Air Force for almost four years now, and I have my active duty G.I. Bill that is patiently sitting there, waiting for me to use it.

So, the big question remains...how should I use it? I am not really concerned about it, for I know that the Lord will reveal the where and when in that regard, but it still left me with some food for thought.

Do I really want to go to college? Should I go to college? What is the purpose of going to college and if I did go, what would I study? Should I look at my secular interests (ie. all things computer) or should I stick to what is really important and look at Bible school or further Bible education?

Those are the thoughts that were rattling around in my head this evening. Interesting, no?

Almost April Fool's...

On Monday morning, we arose to a fresh March 31st snow that laid about 3" or so on the ground. Of course, if it had waited just one more day, it would have been a great April Fool's joke, at least on those who thought spring had come...