Thursday, April 03, 2008

Becoming Edumacated...

Tonight as I was sitting at the computer, I began to once again consider the fact that I have been out of active duty Air Force for almost four years now, and I have my active duty G.I. Bill that is patiently sitting there, waiting for me to use it.

So, the big question should I use it? I am not really concerned about it, for I know that the Lord will reveal the where and when in that regard, but it still left me with some food for thought.

Do I really want to go to college? Should I go to college? What is the purpose of going to college and if I did go, what would I study? Should I look at my secular interests (ie. all things computer) or should I stick to what is really important and look at Bible school or further Bible education?

Those are the thoughts that were rattling around in my head this evening. Interesting, no?


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