Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Pictures in Ruth - On the Way Unto Judah

Pictures in Ruth - On the Way Unto Judah
August 23, 2009

As we look at the "types" represented for us in the first chapter of Ruth, we see three women on the way from Moab (a type of the flesh or carnal nature), to Judah or Israel (a type of the victorious, abundant, Spirit-filled life). We as Christians are to be living supernatural lives, lives that are marked by the power of the Holy Spirit, not our carnal nature. How do we get there?

Pictures in Ruth - The Tragedy of Moab

Pictures in Ruth - The Tragedy of Moab
August 16, 2009

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Catching the Vision

Due to the fact that Pastor and Marejean are out of town, I had the privilege of being the speaker tonight at our weekly Wednesday night prayer meeting and Bible study. God has been speaking to me about the need for praying churches and praying Christians. I hope this message helps us all to see that there is a greater hunger we can have for God and a greater appetite we can sustain for Him.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Can You Spare 11 Minutes Today?

If you would, take 11 minutes and listen to this short clip by John Piper of the supremacy of Christ. We serve a God who is supreme!

Sunday, August 09, 2009

How Serious Are We?

In thinking over some of the things the Lord has been placing on my heart recently, I think we would all do well to ask ourselves, "How serious are we about serving the Lord?"

Is "Seek ye first the kingdom of God" an actuality in our day to day walk, or is it more like, "Seek ye the kingdom of God, after I spend time with my family, after I get some down time from work, after I feel ready to..."?

I fear that we are more preoccupied with the things of this life than God Himself. Dear Christian, how serious are we?

Monday, August 03, 2009

Today's Synthetic Gospel - excerpt

Today’s Synthetic Gospel
by Greg Gordon


Where is the power of Edwards or Whitefield? Where is a modern day Wesley or Spurgeon? To put it another way, where is the message that these men preached with divine authority? The gospel message that they preached was full of God, throbbing with God, God was the gospel. They preached the character of God, the law of God, repentance towards God, acceptance with God, and dependence on God. Everything in their preaching was Christ Exalting and God honoring. Spurgeon said: “The sermon which does not lead to Christ, or of which Jesus Christ is not the top and the bottom, is a sort of sermon that will make the devils in hell laugh, but might make the angels of God weep.” If a gospel message does not begin with the lifting up of God, it then is the lowering of heaven to earth and making what is Holy mundane. George Whitefield said: “The Christian world is in a deep sleep; nothing but a loud shout can awaken them out of it!” We are preaching a man-centered gospel that denies a Holy God. The gospel begins with God and ends with God, if we miss this we miss the gospel. We are living in a age of synthetic gospel preaching, hence the Church has little power in modern day evangelism. Satan has been successfully employing men in preaching a dethroned Christ and a powerless Gospel.

For the full article, visit click HERE

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Pictures in Ruth - Dwelling in Moab

Pictures in Ruth - Dwelling in Moab
August 2, 2009

Just as it should be strange to us, that a man whose name means "My God is King" is found dwelling in Moab, so too the presence of the carnal nature in our churches should be strange to us as well. The flesh is our mortal enemy and is possibly being allowed to come into our churches...

Saturday, August 01, 2009

Master's Men 2009

Me, Nick, Paul and Dave prior to hitting the road to California

This past May was the Master's Men conference in Fresno, CA. Nick, Paul, Dave and I drove down in the Schallenberger's Suburban from Logan, and met up with Scott in Fresno. It was a good conference and we heard some good messages. We were joined by Kaitie who had just recently finished her first year at college and we all drove back to Utah. All in all it was a good trip.