Saturday, May 31, 2008

Just a Quick Update

Here's just a quick update. I've been really busy these last few weeks with Kaitie's graduation coming up, getting back from Fresno, work, and life. Right now I am in Delta, UT (if you can't find it on a map, just follow I-15 south from Salt Lake down to Nephi, and head west). My friend Derek's little sister is getting married and I am shooting the wedding pics.

Tomorrow I'll head back up to Logan, and then work on finishing up a graduation slideshow for Kaitie during this coming week. I may be making a lateral job position change at work in the next couple of weeks which should net a good raise. Graduation is on the 6th, and it looks like I may have to head down to the base on Sunday the 8th.

Well, that is the short of it at the moment. I have been getting pictures together from the Master's Men trip, so will post those shortly. I also have a couple of video clips that I will post as well.

Thursday, May 22, 2008


After looking at these pics, I decided that Gary deserved his own post. I'll mention more about the Master's Men conference in later posts. Suffice it to say it was a good time both in fellowship and also under the preaching of God's word.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Master's Men Conference

Well, tomorrow evening at this time about eleven of us men from Grace Baptist will be winding our way along moonlit roads towards Fresno, California. We are headed for a men's conference called Master's Men. Last year a few of the guys went, but this year we have two vehicles' full. It should be a great time of sitting under good Bible preaching and also just good fellowship and "guy time."

The following flyer was taken from the host church's website and gives an agenda of the activities and schedule for Friday and Saturday. On Saturday afternoon we will be headed back towards Utah and should make it to Logan in the wee hours of Sunday morning. Talk to all y'all when we return.

A Yeller Tulip

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

It's Delivery...

Last Friday, we had a large furniture delivery to do, so Curtis and I headed down to the local U-HAUL to get a "delivery truck."

It was raining cats and dogs when we got there, but the rain abated slightly on our way back to STAPLES. (Does anyone recognize the black object in the foreground?)

Here Curtis, Jake and Chris pose for the camera after getting the desks, chairs and bookcases into the truck.

Here's the end result: 5 L-shaped glass desks, 5 bookcases, and 5 chairs

Before we left the STAPLES loading dock, I thought I'd grab a quick picture. After a quick stop at the "golden arches" for a little lunch to go, we headed down to Clearfield, UT (about 60 miles south of Logan).

After a little searching, we found the new office building and started unloading the truck. We had to carry each box into the building, load them on the elevator, head up to the second floor and then unload them into the offices.

We finally got all of it unloaded and headed for home.

What had been a beautiful day in Clearfield turned back to a cloudy one as we descended towards Logan. Total mileage ended around 130 miles for the day. Not too bad for a delivery!

Friday, May 09, 2008

My Thursday Off...

Well, it looks as if it has been a week since I last posted (well, over a week actually, if you count the fact that it is now 1230AM on Friday). Today was my "Saturday" and I enjoyed sleeping in this morning. After I got up, I put the coffee on, and checked e-mail, etc, while it brewed.

The coffee pot sounded a little strange, so I headed back in the kitchen to find that it had deposited most of the coffee all over the counter. Aside from the senseless waste of coffee, I was perturbed at having to clean up all the liquid and grounds that were now adorning my kitchen.

After getting everything "to rights" and successfully brewing a pot of coffee, I spent some time playing my guitar, catching up on the latest from the Martin Guitar Co.'s website, and doing some Bible study. I also worked out some on my Weider Platinum.

Around 2pm, I headed over to Schallenbergers' to put some more memory into their computer. After that I hung around and played guitar some more. We had dinner and then headed off to Falicia's soccer game. (BTW...Falicia scored another goal!) After the game, we all headed back to their place.

Once the younger kids were in bed, Scott, Robin, Kaitie and myself sat around and spent an hour or so looking through the hymn books that they had and singing the ones we knew (or thought we knew!). That was a lot of fun! We followed it up with a little razzleberry pie and some coffee. If every day off could be like this one, I'd schedule a few more each week!

(The Schallenbergers have basically adopted me, thus my many posts involving activities with them. Thanks you guys!)

Thursday, May 01, 2008

May Day

Welcome to the month of know, the one that is supposed to have flowers after the rains of the previous month. Well whoever wrote that was full of it. I awoke this morning to a light layer of snow on almost everything. Not, mind you, that I was at all depressed or disheartened by the arrival of such an unseasonal guest. Why? I admit that I like the winter months here in Utah better than the summer months. Summer brings bugs, heat and sweating. The winter has none of these, much to my delight. So, this unseasonal guest was the harbinger of good news, for today would be cooler and crisper and altogether more enjoyable than the seasonal alternative.