A very merry Christmas to one and all! Today we are celebrating our Savior's birth and I do join with you in remembering that "Greatest Gift."
Yesterday, after a good service at church, I had lunch with Terry, a friend who is currently doing some work up in Jackson Hole, WY. He only gets down here to church every couple of weeks (he's attending a church up there), so it was fun to spend some time with him and catch up on the latest.
Since there was no service last night, several of us gathered at Dave and Kathy Trott's home for "food, fun and fellowship." I brought my guitar along, and we ended up attempting to sing some Christmas carols (which never progressed pass the first verses) and some hymns (which also tended to fade after the first verse and chorus). It was a great time and I took some pics to share with you all.

In the Trott's kitchen

The Olive Tree
After the food and some fellowship, we headed outside to see what damage we could do to a bunch of sparklers. Then it was back inside for more fun, food, and fellowship. Nobody wanted to leave, so we sat and talked until we saw Christmas day in...

Yours truly, Dave and Kathy, Heather, Star , Dan and Naomi, Armel
On the way home, I stopped at our main post office to take a few pictures downtown. The bank sign said 28 degrees, but with the wind chill, it felt a lot colder than that!

Cupola on the Logan City Visitors' Center

"City sidewalks...

...strings of streetlights."