Friday, June 22, 2007

Midnight Snack

So, a little while ago, about midnight actually, I went on a quick trip over to Wally World to get something to eat. I didn't really have a good idea when I left the house, but once at that wonderful establishment, I didn't have to wander too far before I found something to hit the spot, paid and drove back home.

Now I am sitting here, having eaten a turkey sandwich, crab (probably fake) salad, and had a couple of cups of sweet tea! So, with a nice snack like that, we can turn to take a gander at this last week.

Sunday was a good day, as most Sundays are, and I ended it in rather a strange manner. Just out of the blue, cold turkey (probably no relation to the fellar that ended up in my aforementioned sandwich) if you will, I decided to go for a longer distance run. The past couple of months I've not been running, since I've been doing some working out here at home. So, at about 8:00 on Sunday evening, I started running. I ran, and ran, and ran...and by the time I got home, I had run almost 9 miles! Not bad for cold turkey eh? (Probably still no relation to that turkey on wheat) Anyway, I was pretty pleased I was able to run that and still survive.

Tuesday was my Saturday for the week, so I spent the day in a more relaxed mode than when I have to work. I ended up getting some errands run, and spent some time with Pastor. I worked on his computer some, and ended up staying for dinner. We all had a great time of fellowship.

The new glasses are working out well. I haven't really missed the extra viewing area that my previous "hangar doors" provided. There is a noticable reduction in viewing area, but it hasn't been a problem.

One of the associates at work lives in an apartment complex that has a fitness room. So, I started going over this week and spending some time hitting the weights again. Boy does that feel good! It's been quite a while since I have been able to do it, and I'm quite greatful to have the opportunity to do it again. Just not the same doing pushups and situps at home. Getting back on the bench (bench press) has been the best!

Ok, so did you all know that McDonald's now has iced coffee? Well, they do...and it comes in plain, vanilla and hazelnut. It's not a Starbucks Frappuccino-slayer, but at half the price, it is much more appealing...and oh so good on a hot spring (well, now summer) day! By the way, welcome to summer 2007!

So I was listening to the radio tonight, and I heard the funniest phrase I have come across for some time. It was at the end of a commercial that was talking about some grand little shin dig that some folks are putting together. Near the tail end of the whole thing, the announcer was telling folks what the price of the tickets were. Here's what he said about the young'uns, "Kids 10 and under are free." (Hey, at that price, take two!)

The most interesting and useless trivia fact I came across this week: John Travolta stays up 'till 6 or 7 in the morning and then sleeps during the day, getting up in the afternoon. That's a bit different eh?

Well, that's about the sum of the bloggable stuff that comes to mind at the moment. I've been pressing on with my study in Ruth and the Lord is continuing to faithfully open His word and reveal to me what He has had there all along! Who'd a thunk that one could study a four-chapter book for over a year and still be learning new things? Only a book written by God could do such a thing. It is indeed His living and preserved Word!

Sleepiness is beginning to tug at my eyelids and a warm "post-snack" feeling is beginning to creep over me. A few more sips of tepid coffee and I shall be ready to launch into a night of horizontal repose. G'nite and talk to you all soon!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the writing of the "events" and "thoughts" of your recent days. I like the glasses! I think they look great. John & Trista liked them too.

6:02 PM  
Blogger sixwickerts said...

I recently read that about John Travolta too....he is weird :)Glad you enjoyed your snack, you are so much a bachelor!!!

11:57 PM  
Blogger Eric & Sarah said...

you'll have to post a picture of yourself in your new glasses.

4:59 PM  

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