Monday, September 29, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
July Camping Trip
We had a youth campout on July 18th and 19th. We met up at the Right Hand Fork campground (which is really the Left Hand Fork...but that's a different story...) Matt and Annie and Paul and Sara were already there when I arrived. That evening we all sat around the fire and sang some songs. Gary Stonehouse did a short devotion, and then Paul and Sara took the kids "snipe" hunting.
The next day we hiked a mile or so to a small field and the kids played softball. Then the main group headed back to camp, but a few of us decided to go on a hike. We'll save the scenery pics for another post.
The next day we hiked a mile or so to a small field and the kids played softball. Then the main group headed back to camp, but a few of us decided to go on a hike. We'll save the scenery pics for another post.
Church commuter services
The main campsite
Of bugs and tents
Sara seranades Annie
Group time around the fire
Brooke Stonehouse nails the softball
Juan heads for home, as Paul offers encouragement
Gina sends the ball on its way
To the ball: "Be very afraid"
Thursday, September 25, 2008
The Cache Valley Cruise In 2008
On July 5th, the Schallenberger family, (minus Kaitie, who was working), and I headed downtown for the annual Cache Valley Cruise In. It was a lot of fun and we saw all sorts of classic cars in various stages of restoration. I think the old cliche is true: they just don't make 'em like they used to.