Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Another "Latest & Greatest" Post

Well, it's been a few days since my last post, so thought I'd do another "catchy'allup" post, and cover the highlights of the last week or so.

Work has been extremely busy. We are just hitting the "Back-To-School" season in full swing, and the store has been busier than a cat's tail in a room full of rocking chairs! This week marks the start of high school and grade school, and next week will be the colleges, so we can expect the excitement to continue for a while! We've been staying for a couple of hours after we close the store, just to get it half way presentable for the next day of business.

We have had a fellow attending church for the last few weeks who has been working on installing the ILS (Instrument Landing System) at the Logan airport. Rumor has it that this is being installed to allow commercial flights to operate out of Cache Valley...and the rumored commercial provider is...*drum roll please*...HORIZON AIR! So far, that is the only information that I've heard, but if it's true, could be a great help for me and anyone who wants to come down to visit. We'll see what happens in the months ahead!

I am planning on heading up to Ketchikan mid-way through the last week of September and staying for about ten days or so. I'm hoping to be able to be there for a couple of Sundays at any rate. The last time that I was up was for Dave and Jenn's wedding, so I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone again.

Church has been going really well. We've been rather busy, between visiting speakers, VBS, and the preparation for the innaugural opening of the Christian school. Over the last few months, well maybe even the last year or so, the Lord has been bringing folks in, and Sunday mornings usually find us packed out in "full house" status. So, we've been praying about the possibility of expanding the existing building. We'll see how the Lord provides in that regard. During the last week of September we will be having our week long "fall revival", simply a week set aside to attend meetings each night. Our visiting speaker, Kory Mears, is a missionary to Fiji, and has a heart for the Lord.

I have really been enjoying, as always, my time spent in studying God's word and in prayer. I have to admit that study comes easier than prayer does, but as I study, the importance of prayer continues to come to the surface, and I am enjoying the practice of making prayer more of a priority in my life, both in dedicated time and throughout the day. I am still studying the book of Ruth, though the studying has been in a broader sense, for I am asking the Lord to draw out application from it, application that can be shared in Sunday School. This last Sunday, I spoke about the battle against the flesh, how we need to be aware there is a battle, and that we need, through God's word and prayer, enabled by the Holy Spirit, to put to death or mortify the deeds of the sinful nature...aka "the flesh." Jesus, recognizing the need, told his disciples to "watch and pray." Paul tells us that since we have God's Spirit in us, let us walk in the Spirit, or keep in step with the Spirit. In so doing, the flesh will not find satisfaction. Did you realize that the principle of sowing and reaping was originally given in context to the flesh? Anyway, I won't drown you all in paragraphs from my notes, but those are just a few highlights. (If you are wondering how that applies to Ruth...I have in recent study, come to find out that Moab in the Bible represents a "type" of the flesh, and that Elimelech seems to have chosen to rely on the "flesh" rather than on God's written word and promises, when need arose.)

I am not completely certain of what the future holds for me. I have, from the beginning of this year, felt that this year may be significant, possibly in the natural (ie. job, plans, lifestyle, etc), but more importantly, in the spiritual. This is the year I turn 30, and have been impressed, though not in some sort of weird mystical way, that the Lord may do something in me this year, perhaps in the way of ministry or something similar. As I read in the Bible, the 30th year of a man's life had some significance. We see the Lord raising up Joseph when he was 30. We see King David beginning his rule in Hebron in his 30th year. The Levites entered service in their 30th year, and the Lord Himself began His earthly ministry at that age. We shall see what the Lord will do in the coming weeks and months.

One of my goals this last year has been to get in a better fitness program than I've chosen to participate in for the last few years. I've been doing more running and also had the opportunity to get back to lifting weights again, something that I really enjoy. So, that, coupled with a somewhat better diet, have helped me to shed a few pounds and feel "healthier."

"All is meaningless...a chasing after the wind." Just kidding! I just thought I'd throw that in for grins and giggles. I think I've mentioned most of what's been going on here for the last little bit. If anyone has any questions, I'd be glad to respond or even do a blog entry for them. Otherwise you'll be stuck with VW posts and more pictures!

Have a good one,



Blogger sixwickerts said...

It all sounds good Derek. I am glad you are coming up, book us in for a dinner ok?

6:22 PM  
Blogger Derek Linder said...

Wickerts...sounds great to me! I'll be looking forward to it :)

9:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

NOW I know what's up! You write really well. Thanks for letting us all in on your thoughts, plans, and hopes! It's going to be super to see you.

12:58 AM  

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