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While I will return to posting more pics from the trip to Key West, I wanted to put up a post that is hot off the press. I got a call today from my Air Force buddy Eric to see if I wanted to go flying tomorrow. I told him that I couldn't because I was scheduled to work. At that, he said he would look at the airplane schedule and see what was available today. To make a long story short, I agreed to meet him at the Logan airport around 5:30pm.
Here is Eric arriving in Cessna N65755 after crossing into Cache Valley from Brigham City.
Descending to the runway...
Nice attitude!
My pilot buddy!
Scanning the instruments while at the runup area.
Taking the active, Runway 35.
Watch the ground fall away...well, "fall away" is a relative term considering it is a 172 with two heavyweights in it and a relatively high density altitude...
A view to the east
We did some turns and practice out near Preston, ID. Eric walked me through some basic coordinated turns both left and right. My practice with the flight simulator on my computer has paid off in reading the instruments and more quickly ascertaining what the airplane is doing. What an afternoon! Thanks Eric!
looks fun! Flight simulator helped me too when I got to fly Steve Shrum's plane.
You really need to get your pilots license!
What a special opportunity, Derek! I am sure it was a delight to see Logan and vicinity from the air.
I agree ... you'd better take steps to actively pursue your pilot's license.
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