Friday, January 19, 2007

New blog or not to blog, that is the question...

As many of you know, I've been doing an in-depth, inductive, expository study on the Book of Ruth since last March. This has resulted in a couple of steno notebooks full of ideas, thoughts, scratchings, etc. So here's the question: would you all be interested in me posting these (and upcoming studies as well) on a blog? I wouldn't be posting them on Bent Ear simply because some of the entries are too long and involved for the casual blogger. What I probably would do is create a blog strictly devoted to Ruth. Well, let me know what all y'all think...!


Blogger Jeremy & Olivia said...

We say do two blogs; one dedicated to study and one to keep us all up to date on life and stuff!

8:39 PM  
Blogger Becky said...

I like the two blog idea, I would enjoy seeing some of your notes on Ruth.

10:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You already know what I think Derek. I appreciated your call last night and visiting about this topic. Virgil brought up the study on Ruth for me off of Logos Library System this morning. So I've got that for a start (well I guess Pastor Kevin was the start). I'm sorry that you missed Virgil as I know he would have enjoyed visiting with you.

12:55 AM  

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